

Customize Django Admin: record name, order, search box and editable field

A central feature of Django is the Admin Panel.In this article, I will describe how to customize the Admin Panel and mak...

Creating graphs with Django + Chart.js

Creating progress management graphs with Django + Chart.jsChart.js Implementation of Lesson Progress ChartBlue is the nu...

Django-import-export for csv

While learning Django, I'm working hard on a student management app for the online English school I'm currently running ...

Difference between django-pandas and pandas

Code comparison between Django-pandas and pandas to get the same resultA pandas newbie (ME) tried to use pandas in djang...

Start REST Framework + Vue.js

Command 'vue' not found……. Somehow I was able to solve.Type the code according to the manual.The usual Django rhythm kee...

Deploy Dango blog to Vultr

Worth experiencing the long way1. ​ Change settings…Separate development environment settings and product environment se...